Terri Gallagher of Gallagher & Consultants to Speak at Bloomberg Global Workforce Webinar
Terri Gallagher to Speak at Bloomberg Global Workforce Webinar as co-presenter with John Smith – Managing Director – CXC Global; an integrated alliance partner

Changes Impacting Your Global Workforce and How to Navigate
Navigating global HR and payroll issues are hard. But you can do it and people are counting on you. In this webinar, we will discuss some of the hottest "people issues" facing global companies today. You will come away from this session with a solid understanding of the global workforce is changing and what you can do to be prepared.
Educational Objectives:
• Global workforce strategy: How it is changing and why CEOs are talking about "localization."
• International Mergers and acquisitions: What are the "people" issues you need to consider?
• VMS, MSP, RPO – why does everyone use acronyms and how does this affect ME?
• The global "GIG" economy: What is it and why does it matter?
• Employees or contractors? Why is this important in today's business world? The "UBER" impact.
• Asking good questions to protect your people and reduce risk to the business when "going global."
Who would benefit most from attending this program?
HR, Payroll and Operational leaders who manage international employment and payroll.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET
Presented by: Bloomberg
Price: $224
Register: Click Here
About Terri Gallagher/Founder Gallagher & Consultants:
Ms. Terri Gallagher is the Founder and President of Gallagher and Consultants. She brings 20+ years of experience in enterprise contingent (temp) workforce strategies to bring value-add innovative solutions and delivery for her clients, both on the supply and client buyer side. Gallagher and Consultant’s approach is based on current state temp workforce trends incorporating cutting edge technology and globalization factors that are rapidly changing the landscape. Prior to Gallagher and Consultants, Ms. Gallagher was responsible for the successful design, solution and delivery of global and domestic contingent workforce programs ($20M-$2B annual spend) for Fortune 500 clients across sectors; Finance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Telecom. She has held executive and operational roles for the largest Staffing Industry companies in the world as well as boutique specialized providers and custom in-house programs. She is also an international speaker and writer, and has been featured in multiple industry publications. For more information on Gallagher & Consultants Click Here.
Paul B. Davis, MBA
NextStep Marketing